Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Comp Reflection


  1.  The best shot of this assignment was the pictures that I had saved on my phone, because they were perfectly taken.
  2.  The weakest shot of this assignment was the pictures that I took in class, because I was in a rush to catch up with the class.
  3.  The weakest image can be improved in the future shoots by taking the right picture, and use more programs in Photoshop to edit them.  
  4.  I used Photoshop, I only used the basics programs the ones that are more easy to use, because I'm new to Photoshop, I need to time to practice.
  5.  I could not be able to meet the objectives of this assignment because I was late to this class I did not have time to plan my goals because I'm still not done yet.
  6.  The easiest part of this assignment was the shoe picture, because it was simple, to take the photo and to edit it.
  7. The difficult part of this assignment was the editing part, because I never worked with Photoshop before, and I had no practice.
  8. If I could do this assignment again I think I could do everything different because as I said I'm still not finished with the project yet.
  9. I would gave my effort a scale of 8. I gave myself this rating because I worked hard on it starting late, but still I did a great job on it.     

composition .2

This picture shows Multiple Subjects because its leading to many objects at a time.

This picture represents Brightness and Sharpness because the lighting is focusing on every part of this picture.

This picture represents Bull's Eye because main focus that is the bucket and everything inside is not on the middle.

This picture represents Leading Lines  because those lines on the object can give them viewer strong feelings. 

This picture shows Rule of Thirds, because it's focusing on the two people.

This picture shows Simplicity because there are none of the elements that cause distraction to the viewer.

This picture is Emphasize Foreground  because the horizon is in the upper half of the frame.

This picture is Emphasize Height and Distance  because the horizon is in the lower half of the frame.

                                                               Contact sheets


 Jordan Shoe

Last Project

For the last 5 months i think I improved a little bit on focusing on the composition rules, like the rules of third, Brightness and Sharpn...