Tuesday, September 24, 2019

composition .2

This picture shows Multiple Subjects because its leading to many objects at a time.

This picture represents Brightness and Sharpness because the lighting is focusing on every part of this picture.

This picture represents Bull's Eye because main focus that is the bucket and everything inside is not on the middle.

This picture represents Leading Lines  because those lines on the object can give them viewer strong feelings. 

This picture shows Rule of Thirds, because it's focusing on the two people.

This picture shows Simplicity because there are none of the elements that cause distraction to the viewer.

This picture is Emphasize Foreground  because the horizon is in the upper half of the frame.

This picture is Emphasize Height and Distance  because the horizon is in the lower half of the frame.

                                                               Contact sheets

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joel,

    The assignment was to take pictures that represent the 8 composition points we talked about in class. (see composition assignment on blog) You were supposed to label each picture with the correct composition point and explain how that point was met. Please redo and resubmit this assignment with the correct labels to show me you understand the concepts.

    Please do not use the same picture for multiple sections. If you have to do that it means you need to take more pictures.

    Turn in your contact sheet so I can give you credit.

    You need to work on your compositions (how you arrange your pictures) a little more. You keep putting the subject focus in the middle. Try to avoid this. Your 2nd image actually has the best composition.

    Overall you have great focus and clarity with your images.

    You need to work on color editing. Almost all of these are grey. Open the images in photoshop and check the levels. Image>adujustments>levels. You don't have any black or white in some. Others you went WAY too contrasted/over edited. You don't wan to go nuts with editing, just get the color to look better than ordinary.


Last Project

For the last 5 months i think I improved a little bit on focusing on the composition rules, like the rules of third, Brightness and Sharpn...